Charnock Hospital, a leading tertiary care institution, spearheads a groundbreaking initiative to address the critical shortage of well-trained healthcare professionals in the industry. Drawing upon our extensive experience in the healthcare sector, we recognize the significant gap between industry demands and the output of existing institutes.
Thus, the inception of Charnock Healthcare Institute, a pioneering venture in Eastern India. Nestled in the vibrant locale of New Town, Kolkata, our institute boasts a world-class campus equipped with cutting-edge infrastructure. With a capacity to accommodate 1300 students, our facility comprises 21 state-of-the-art classrooms, each equipped with modern audio-video technology, and seven laboratories, setting new standards in the region. The campus is centrally air-conditioned and offers Wi-Fi internet connectivity, creating an unparalleled learning environment for aspiring healthcare professionals.

Healthcare and Overview
The IBEF report predicts that the Indian healthcare market is set to reach $372 billion by 2022. Additionally, the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare plans to increase the healthcare budget to 2.5% of the GDP by 2025. The Indian Government has outlined Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to achieve by 2030, aiming for improved health, poverty eradication, prosperity, and peace. One of the key SDGs emphasizes health. A recent report suggests that India could potentially generate a remarkable $774 billion in revenue in the healthcare sector by 2030. With an investment of $217 billion, the country could create 12 million jobs in healthcare and related fields, positively impacting 1.5 billion lives by 2030. The healthcare sector is poised to become the second most attractive industry in the coming decade, following food, agriculture and aggrotech.
Current Scenario
India is facing a shortage of around 600,000 doctors and 2 million nurses. Currently, there is one government doctor for every 10,189 people, while the World Health Organization recommends a ratio of 1:1,000, creating a deficit of 600,000 doctors. The nurse-to-patient ratio is 1:483, indicating a shortage of two million nurses. By 2024, India needs an additional 4.3 million nurses to meet WHO standards.
With a massive population of 1.39 billion, India's national healthcare system mustbe extensive and inclusive. Developing an effective universal healthcare systemin India poses a significant challenge due to its extraordinary population sizeand unique health concerns. Both the government and NGOs are actively workingtowards this goal. Challenges include resource allocation, a lowphysician-to-population ratio, geographical, gender, and socioeconomicdisparities, rising healthcare costs, and government shortcomings. Addressingthese issues is crucial for overcoming the current health-related challenges in India.
Our Proposal
Charnock Healthcare Institute stands out as an exceptional medical education facility, dedicated to producing skilled professionals for various levels of healthcare services. It is the inaugural institution of its kind, offering comprehensive education in Nursing, Paramedical, and administrative fields, all within a single learning environment.
Our Motivators
Chairman's Message
On behalf of the Charnock Healthcare Institute I welcome you all for a glorious career in healthcare.

Our vision is to develop this institute into a world class institution, renowned for its infrastructure, excellence in academics and professional acumen. Our mission is to disseminate high quality education in all health sciences streams amongst the youth and inculcate values and ethics to be practiced in the pursuit of their professions.
We are determined to contribute to society through our commitment to patronage quality in health sciences education, ensuring excellence in higher education.
Warm Regards
Susil Kumar Misra
MD's Message
As we all know there is a pressing need for qualified & trained manpower in the healthcare industry. As a hospital administrator, I personally felt this huge gap while operating Charnock Hospital, so have all my fellow administrators across all hospitals. Charnock Healthcare Institute (CHI) is an effort towards solving this massive manpower crisis.

CHI was formed to impart quality education to those aspirants who seek a career in the healthcare space. It shall churn out highly qualified personnel for all streams in healthcare delivery space:
Nursing, Paramedical and Administration - all under one roof.
After receiving quality education globally and experiencing the best faculty and best facilities in world class institutes, I had a personal passion for creating an educational institution of global standards here in our very own West Bengal.
This effort is partly motivated by that ambition and partly by the pressing need of our healthcare industry for quality personnel.
We have created the best infrastructure, put in place the best faculty and hope to create the best quality students here at CHI.
Warm Regards
Prashant Sharma